completed and ongoing training
The following EBP and research-informed training have been implemented to date:
Child-Parent Psychotherapy: Learning Collaborative
Child-Parent Psychotherapy: Cohort #1
Training initiated: October 2019
To be completed: April 2021
Trainers: Dr. Amy Dickson and Dr. Phillip Stepka (LSUHSC)
Description: Louisiana-based CPP Trainers, Dr. Dickson and Dr. Stepka, welcomed in a new Learning Collaborative cohort in October 2019. These five agencies will attend a total of three learning sessions over the course of 18 months, in addition to participating in monthly consultation calls.
Child-Parent Psychotherapy: Cohort #2
Training initiated: September 2020
To be completed: Spring 2022
Trainers: Dr. Julie Larrieu and Dr. Devi Murphy (Tulane University)
Description: Louisiana-based CPP Trainers, Dr. Larrieu and Dr. Murphy, are preparing to initiate a new CPP Learning Collaborative cohort, with the first learning session scheduled for March 2020.
Child-Parent Psychotherapy: Cohort #1
Child-Parent Psychotherapy: Cohort #2
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Trauma-Focused CBT: Cohort #1
Training initiated: August 2019
To be completed: June 2020
Trainer: Kelly Wilson, LCSW
Description: 30 Medicaid behavioral health practitioners met in Baton Rouge in August 2019 to begin Trauma-Focused CBT training with Master TF-CBT Trainer, Kelly Wilson. After two-days of training, practitioners returned to their agencies and began monthly TF-CBT consultation calls to discuss their cases. An additional two-days of training will take place in Baton Rouge in January 2020, and upon successful completion of consultation calls and other requirements, these practitioners will be eligible for TF-CBT certification.
Trauma-Focused CBT: Cohort #2
Training initiated: May 2020
To be completed: April 2021
Trainer: Kelly Wilson, LCSW (National Trainer) and Jennifer Wilgocki, LCSW (National Consultant)
Description: 23 Medicaid behavioral health practitioners participated in this online TF-CBT Learning Collaborative. Agencies came from all areas of the state, including Shreveport, Monroe, Baton Rouge, Gonzales, and more. Online training participants will be eligible for certification after completing all online training days and monthly consultation calls.
Trauma-Focused CBT: Cohort #1
Trauma-Focused CBT: Cohort #2
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy: Learning Collaborative
Training initiated: December 2019
To be completed: March 2021
Trainers: Dr. Amy Herschell (PCIT Master Trainer) and team at the Early Childhood Innovations Center, LLC
Description: Early childhood behavioral health clinicians, supervisors, and agency administrators from seven Medicaid agencies across Louisiana were selected to participate in this Learning Collaborative. This cohort began the launch phase in December 2019, in which they are beginning to prepare their agencies for PCIT implementation. Participants attended a week-long training in March 2020, and will complete an additional two-day training in June 2020. Monthly consultation calls are required for all team members.
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy: Cohort #1
Preschool PTSD Treatment
Training initiated: November 2019
To be completed: TBD
Trainers: Dr. Devi Murphy – Tulane University
Description: Through a partnership with Healthy Blue, the Center for Evidence to Practice co-sponsored a Preschool PTSD Treatment (PPT) training for 45+ behavioral health practitioners from across the state. Practitioners were encouraged to participate in consultation calls, which is necessary for achieving the advanced designation for PPT (Medicaid reimbursable).
Preschool PTSD Treatment: Cohort #1
Triple P-Level 4
Training initiated: May 2020 (online training)
To be completed: Accreditation – June 2020
Description: The Center for Evidence to Practice sponsored five Medicaid behavioral health practitioners to participate in a Triple-P Level 4 training. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this training was facilitated online.
Triple P-Level 4 Online: Cohort #1
Research-Informed practice training
The Center for Evidence to Practice has offered research-informed practice training in Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Trust-Based Relational Intervention.
EXpanding Access
to evidence-based practices in behavioral health.