Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) from Online Webinar on Thursday, November 4, 2021:
There was a follow-up Q&A session held in February 2022, to view the recording and questions from that session please click here.
If you missed the Live Q&A Session, you can view the video on the left to see what was discussed.
The questions and answers are also summarized below!
Question 1: Should we only submit an application if we are already certified in these specific Evidence Based Practices (EBP’s)?
Answer: This opportunity is specifically for people who are already certified in the outlined EBPs or currently working toward certification. There is not enough time to get trained in additional EBP’s and meet the deliverable requirements of this funding. Accepted applicants will need to be able to use the tracking codes outlined in the EBP Qualification Standards and Billing Guide within the allocated time period.
Question 2: Say there is a new individual behavioral provider, who just got trained in TF-CBT and they begin implementing this EBP prior to January 15th, can they apply for this funding opportunity?
Answer: If the practitioner has finished training, supervised consultations and can meet the EBP qualification requirements to begin billing using the EBP tracking code prior to the August 1st deadline, then they are encouraged to apply.
Question 3: Do we submit the RFA to get trained in EBPs?
Answer: No, this is for those that are already qualified or working towards qualification in the EBPs listed in the RFA Capacity and Sustainability Funds application. The Center for Evidence to Practice does offer EBP trainings. If you would like to stay informed on upcoming trainings, you can sign up for our mailing list to receive our newsletter to hear more up-to-date training information.
Question 4: Are the qualifications for this funding only for licensed clinical staff?
Answer: This funding opportunity is only for people who are fully licensed and can bill to Medicaid. If they are obtaining their license before February 2022 and they will be qualified to begin billing the EBP with Medicaid by no later than April 1, 2022; then they can apply. Applicants must meet the standards providing Outpatient Therapy by a Licensed Practitioner as outlined in the Louisiana Department of Health Behavioral Health Services Provider Manual.
Question 5: What EBPs are included in this funding opportunity?
Answer: This funding opportunity is limited to the following seven EBPs that are delivered as Outpatient Therapy by a Licensed Practitioner which do not currently have an EBP specific rate:
- Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP)
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) for adolescents
- Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
- Preschool PTSD Treatment (PPT)
- Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (TF-CBT)
- Triple P – Level 4
- Youth PTSD Treatment (YPT)
Question 6: Where did this funding come from?
Answer: This funding has been allocated by OBH from Federal Mental Health Block Grants.
Question 7: If there is not enough money to fund this project, how will decisions be made?
Answer: OBH anticipates the funding is sufficient for the number of agencies that could apply for this opportunity based on data provided by the Center for E2P’s tracking of EBP providers. However, funds will be allocated in the order they are received.
Question 8: If I’ve already been providing EBP’s, is retroactive billing/claims data used to determine the funding amount for a provider?
Answer: No, the claims data that will be used to determined funding will be for services delivered during the provider’s specified contract period.
Question 9: Can you explain if hourly billing rates will be increased based on adding the EBP codes?
Answer: No, there will be no increase in the hourly Medicaid rates at this time. This funding is to help offset the cost of offering these specific EBP services.
Question 10: Is there a plan to continue the additional funding past the Sept 2022 date?
Answer: This is a one-time funding opportunity, but OBH is exploring ways to provide additional support in the future. However, utilization of the EBP billing codes and requirements will be critical for future funding opportunities.
Question 11: My providers are trained in 3 EBPs. It looks like the application only allows me to list 2 EBPs per provider.
Answer: The EBP Capacity and Sustainability Funds application has been updated so applicants can add up to three options of EBPs per practitioner. If you need additional space, you can add a comment at the end of the application on the very last question listing further EBPs.
Question 12: I am wondering why Magellan is not considered in the claims data since most of their clients benefit from EBP?
Answer: The EBP Capacity and Sustainability Funds application has been updated and has listed Magellan as an MCO to be considered for claims data.
Question 13: Are you aware of any other states providing enhanced funding for EBPs?
Answer: The Center for Evidence to Practice and OBH did a lot of foundational work for this effort by looking at other systems and states that have implemented financial support for EBPs. There are other systems that provide enhanced Medicaid rates at the state level, some EBP providers have negotiated enhanced rates with MCOs, and other systems provide financial incentives like this one. For more information, please see the Financing Behavioral Health Evidence Based Programs: Overview and Resources for Louisiana that was released in April 2021.
Question 14: What about social determinants of mental health services – who is funding support services?
Answer: Social determinants are not within the scope of Mental Health EBP Capacity and Sustainability funding opportunity. There are a lot of things that impact the mental well-being of youth, not just therapy. This Capacity and Sustainability funding opportunity is to ensure youth get high quality mental health services.
Question 15: What would happen to a contract if the applicant transfers practice locations before the contract expires?
Answer: Independent Practitioners with a fully executed contract may change their service location by requesting an amendment to the contract to change the service location and NPI# (if applicable). The name of the contractor must remain the same as the original contract.
An agency-employed practitioner listed in the agency’s application is not eligible to transfer to a different agency. The contract remains with the agency that is named in the contract.
Question 16: Would the contracted practitioner be able to practice independently at a second location before the contract expires?
Answer: Independent practitioners qualify for this project funding at one location only. They may practice in a second location however; it will not apply to meeting the contract’s deliverables.