
Capacity and Sustainability Funding Opportunity for EBP Behavioral Health Providers
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) from Online Webinar in February 2022:

NOTE: These are some of the questions that were addressed during the office hours, TA calls and questions that have been asked throughout this process. As questions arise, we will continue to update this Q&A page.

Question: What is the start date for sessions that will be tracked for the grant?

Answer: The date you contract is fully executed is the official start date for this funding opportunity and for session(s) that will be included in tracking to meet the deliverables.

Question: Once I bill Medicaid and include the EBP CPT Code, how would you know I submitted the bill or I am required to send you something?

Answer: Be sure to use the EBP tracking code when submitting your claims (see the EBP Billing and Qualification Guide). We will be issuing guidance on how to submit information to the Center for Evidence to Practice about each of those sessions in your invoice for the funding at a later date.

Question: Medicaid considers youth to be 21 years and under. Can we provide EBP to any client/ youth in this age range?

Answer: Each EBP has been developed and researched related to a specific target age. The EBP should be provided to clients within the age range outline in the Louisiana Behavioral Health Service Provider Manual.  The only model within this EBP Capacity and Sustainability Project that is appropriate for individuals through age 21 is EMDR.

Question: What are the EBP Tracking Codes? What should I do if I need help with submitting claims with the EBP tracking codes?

Answer: The EBP tracking codes are listed in the EBP Billing and Qualification Guide Please reach out to the MCOs you contract with if you have questions about submitting claims with the EBP training codes. You can find MCO contract information in the EBP Billing and Qualification Guide

Question: How do MCOs know we are certified?

Answer: Please refer to the EBP Billing and Qualification Guide for the EBP Qualification standards and documentation needed for each EBP. That EBP Qualification documentation needs to be submitted to MCO that you are contracted with.

Question: Can we have a listserv type of communication to send questions?

Answer: This is a great suggestion. In the meantime, please send any questions or comments directly to the Center for Evidence to Practice at: [email protected]. If you run into any roadblocks in this process we’d like to hear about them.

Question: Is there a way to do this program with a private pay therapist?

Answer: This project is part of Louisiana’s efforts to increase access and availability of EBPs for children and families insured through Medicaid and is only available for claims bill through the Medicaid MCOs.

Question: I’m credentialed to two (2) Medicaid plans; do I need to get contracted with more?

Answer: If you are already contracted, then no you do not need to get credentialed with more. If you want to increase your opportunity to deliver the EBPs to clients insured through Medicaid, then you may consider getting credentialed with other MCOs.