Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) Training
he Center for Evidence to Practice (Center for E2P) has written this Request for Applications (RFA) to inform behavioral health practitioners in Louisiana who are equipped to successfully participate in Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) Training.
Due to the identified need for Medicaid behavioral health services specific to children and their caregivers, CPP has been selected by the Office of Behavioral Health (OBH) as a evidence-based practice that will be expanded statewide.
Informational Webinar
The Center for Evidence to Practice held an Informational Webinar on CPP. This webinar was led by trainers, Julie Larrieu, PhD and Amy Dickson, PsyD. It allowed attendees to learn more about the modality and application process. A question and answer (Q&A) session followed.
This recorded webinar is available as a free course on our online learning platform, E2P:Learn. If you already have an E2P:Learn account, you may login and self-enroll in the course. For individuals who do not yet have an account, you can register for a free account by clicking here. This training is eligible for up to 0.75 CE hour as approved by the Center, which is authorized by the LABSWE and NBCC to review and approve CE hours.
Reviewing the recording by taking the free course is strongly encouraged for those who are interested in applying for this training.
Please email us at [email protected] if you experience any issues with our online platform.
CPP Training Timeline
CPP Office Hours
Have questions about if CPP is right for you and your agency? Have questions about the application?
On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, from 12pm-1pm CST, the Center for Evidence to Practice along with the CPP trainers, Dr. Julie Larrieu, Ph.D., and Dr. Amy Dickson, Ph.D., will host CPP Office Hours to answer any questions about the CPP model and/or CPP application. If you have any questions, please join us throughout this hour and we would be happy to answer them!
CPP Application Materials
Individuals interested in participating in the training should read all application materials carefully.
The Request for Applications (RFA) outlines the criteria agencies and individuals must meet to be accepted into training as well as expectations for training and all training dates and requirements for completion. You can view the RFA by clicking here.
The AGENCY AGREEMENT is to be completed through Adobe PDF (a fillable PDF) by leadership at the agency requesting participation in the CPP training and signed by the clinical Supervisor and Agency Director. You can access the AGENCY AGREEMENT by CLICKING HERE. The AGENCY AGREEMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THE CPP APPLICATION. There is a separate portion for agency leadership to complete. The SAME AGENCY AGREEMENT must be uploaded for each member applying from the same agency.
The CPP APPLICATION is to be completed by each applicant through REDCap and can be accessed by CLICKING HERE. **Please note, each applicant must upload an Agency Agreement. The SAME AGENCY AGREEMENT must be uploaded for all applicants from the same agency.
If you would like to preview the application to help you prepared your answers before submitting it via REDCap, you can see a DRAFT by clicking here.
Training Considerations
Please review the Training Guidelines and Expectations prior to attending training to ensure you are familiar and can adhere to them during training. Individuals who feel that they may not be able to adhere to these guidelines should consider not applying for this opportunity.
- Ensure a stable internet connection
- Use an updated web browser and install any required software
- Utilize a hands-free device such as a desktop, laptop, iPad (mobile devices not recommended)
- We will be using Zoom so ensure you check for updates prior to training
- Plan for backup internet and power options
- Share a contact number with staff and or group members for technical issues
- Create a quiet distraction free workspace
- Workspace lighting is better when it’s front facing and not back lit
- Choose comfortable functional and learner friendly seating
- Please do not engage in training while operating a motor vehicle
- Please be in a confidential workspace like you would in a therapy session
- Download and review pre-training materials
- Consider printing the practice worksheets for practicum
- Have a notepad and pen ready for notes
- Save digital resources and materials for future reference
- Be punctual and return timely from assigned breaks
- Mute the microphone when not speaking
- Always keep your camera on as this is a CE requirement
- Ensure confidentiality and security
- Consider a headset with a microphone to enhance your audio experience
- Respect others’ background and appearance
- Be courteous during discussions
- Dress comfortably and appropriately
- Have snacks, hydrate, caffeinate if needed
- Rest well prior to training and prepare to rest after
- Consider not scheduling work or only light work after training daily