The Center for Evidence to Practice is sponsoring open consultation calls for behavioral health practitioners trained or certified in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy. The goal of these calls is to provide a space for EMDR clinicians to discuss the implementation of this evidence-based model over telehealth platforms.
Calls will be facilitated by Carol Miles, MSW, LSCW. Carol is certified by EMDRIA in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) and is an EMDRIA-Approved Basic Trainer and Consultant.
To register for EMDR consultation calls, email Carol Miles at [email protected]. Calls will be individual or small groups, depending on scheduling and the needs of each practitioner and/or agency.
Implementing EBPs via Telehealth - Webinar Series

Louisiana Medicaid agencies with Functional Family Therapy (FFT) teams are invited to this online training on implementing FFT via telehealth platforms. Practitioners, supervisors, and administrators of FFT teams are invited to attend.
This opportunity is sponsored by the Center for Evidence to Practice and facilitated by Michael S. Robbins, Ph.D., and Helen M. Midouhas, Ph.D., L.P.C. who are FFT National Trainers & Consultants. CEUs will be offered (social work & counseling).
Louisiana Medicaid agencies with Multisystemic Therapy (MST) teams are invited to this online training on implementing MST via telehealth platforms. Practitioners, supervisors, and administrators of MST teams are invited to attend. This training was facilitated by Christine Bonura and Kirby Johnson. CEUs will be offered.
Louisiana behavioral health practitioners are invited to participate in this free webinar on Telemental Health, sponsored by the Center for Evidence to Practice. Kelly Wilson, LCSW, and National Trainer and Consultant for Trauma-Focused CBT will be facilitating this session. This webinar is open to all practitioners and the content will not be specific to TF-CBT.
Louisiana Medicaid behavioral health practitioners/supervisors that are trained in Preschool PTSD Treatment (PPT) and Youth PTSD Treatment (YPT) and their administrators are invited to a live webinar on implementing PPT and YPT via. telehealth platforms. This will be facilitated by Dr. Devi Miron Murphy (Tulane University – Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences). Please submit your questions ahead of time through the registration form. CEUs will be offered.
Access on E2P Learn (coming soon).
Louisiana Medicaid behavioral health practitioners/supervisors that are trained in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) and their administrators are invited to a live webinar on implementing PCIT via telehealth platforms. This will be facilitated by PCIT trainers from the Early Childhood Innovations Center. Please submit your questions ahead of time through the registration form. CEUs will be offered.
Louisiana Medicaid behavioral health practitioners/supervisors that are trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and their administrators were invited to a live webinar on implementing DBT via. telehealth platforms. This was facilitated by Dan Finnegan, LICSW DBT- Linehan Board of Certification, Certified DBT Clinician, and Clinical Director of Cadence Child and Adolescent Therapy. Please submit your questions ahead of time through the registration form. CEUs will be offered.
Louisiana behavioral health practitioners were invited to participate in this free webinar series on Implementing Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) over Telehealth platforms. Sponsored by the Center for Evidence to Practice, these webinars will be facilitated by Kelly Wilson, LCSW and National Trainer and Consultant for Trauma-Focused CBT. CEUs were be offered for each 90-minute session.
These sessions are not posted on E2P Learn, due to the conversation-based structure. Email [email protected] to request recording links.
EXpanding Access
to evidence-based practices in behavioral health.