Connecting communities to evidence-based behavioral health treatment
Search for an EBP in your region
- Enter a location in the search bar, which can be found in the upper right hand corner of the map.
- The map will then zoom in on the area entered.
- Click on circles to view provider information. Each circle represents a different provider, and each color represents a different EBP (as described in the Legend).
Search by EBP
- In the upper left hand corner, click on the arrows to open up the legend.
- Check the boxes for the EBPs you would like to view.
- Map will adjust to present selected EBPs.
- Click on circles to view provider information. Each circle represents a different provider, and each color represents a different EBP (as described in the Legend).
- The practitioner or agency you contact will make sure that the program you have in mind aligns with the child and caregiver's needs.
- After an assessment, the provider will either start EBP treatment or refer you to a provider that offers the EBP that they believe would be a better fit.
Help us update our map!
Would you like to get added to our map?
Has your agency information on our map changed?
ebp provider Directories
Download regional PDF lists of verified EBP providers presented in the interactive map above.